How Does the Chinese Grade System Work

In China, an unique examination system is adopted that differs greatly from those of Western countries. Knowledge of the Chinese grading system is necessary for students, educators and professionals working in international education and human cooperation.

Basic Structure

Chinese Grading System Chinese grading system has two categories: the grading of student academic performance in high schools and other universities levels, and the standardized test for entrance university level (China/Taiwan), such as Primary school High school Senior High School University Grad didated PHD/Master Doctorate Sorry i cannot turn 60% into grades classic percentage;) GaoKao which is China's National Higher Education Entrance Examination.

When It Comes to School & University Grades

Most schools and higher education academic institutions in China grade classes from 0 to 100 but have a variation, with 100 being the best mark and (typically) 60 as the lowest passing score. Where it gets a little more complicated pandas off….

90-100: Outstanding or Excellent

80 to 89: Good

70 to 79: Fairly Good

A satisfactory or pass for scores in the range of 60 to 69

Below 60: Fail

Note: This grading scale might differ slightly from one the institution to other and even different levels of education. In some courses, the pass mark may seem to be very high, especially in the more competitive programs.

Percentage-Based Grading

Meanwhile, the percentage system counts a student's performance on assessments, papers and exams in terms of percentiles based around the total potential marks. Used for internal assessment, this system stands out by precisely determining how a student performed in numbers.

Letter Grades and GPA

The percentage system is widely used, but some Chinese universities also require letter grades -exported or imported from the US - for international engagements. These are typically manifested as:

A (85-100%): Excellent

B (70-84%): Good

C (60-69%): Satisfactory

D (50-59%): Pass

F (Below 50%): Fail

GPA: Grading points are on a scale of 0 to 4, where A = 4 and F = 0. It speeds comparisons to international grading methods, which is useful for students spending a year abroad or applying to graduate with foreign qualifications.

Standardized Examinations

In the case of standardized exams like theGaokao, an exam given scores out a total possible number of points, which range year every worth and place but are usually from 750. Admission test scores are closely watched both because they determine who will be allowed to pursue university studies and the length of time students will spend in high school.

Cultural Considerations

In China, grades matter a lot and the grading system resembles this culture. Student, parent and teacher all take grades very seriously, and for many it can be the deciding factor on your future, the direction of a career or even social mobility.


Application processes vary depending on where in China students apply, and students should pay close attention to the Chinese grading system, which is known for its strict standards and quantitative criteria. As a result, it is the cornerstone of the education landscape in China and shades how teachers teach, students study and colleges write their academic plans.

For an even deeper study on the Chinese grading system, how it affects students and how it compares to other international systems, check out chinese grade system.

Ultimately, for any student planning on coming to study in China, an educator who works with these students and professionals involved in academic evaluations, a solid grasp of the ins and outs of the Chinese grading system is necessary for interpreting academic accomplishments against Chinese educational criteria.

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